Safe Grounds Sacramento
I work with Sacramento Homeless Organizing Committee and we are involved in a Safe Ground Campaign with other non-profits and homeless individuals. The campaign is asking for land or areas for homeless people to be able to safely and legally live in tents or other structures. We are getting 2 "World Shelters" for demonstration and to try out, actually. They charge $2 per day per structure, to be paid until the cost of the structure is paid off. They are on the internet. Our Safe Ground group is putting up our website this coming week
We probably can come up with other great uses for $2 but this one I just mentioned because we are mentioning it on our home page, something like "Cost of night in jail - $1__, Cost of night in emergency room - $___, cost of night in world shelter - $2.
Paula Lomazzi
Sacramento Homeless Organizing Committee and
Homeward Street Journal
P.O. 952, Sacramento, CA 95812, (916) 442-2156
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