Saturday, January 2, 2010

IPod For Classroom

When I received my 2 dollars in the mail today, I was instantly
reminded of a charity that I have been meaning to donate to. My
friend Amanda is trying to get an ipod classic to help her elementary
music classroom. The details can be found here:
I was excited about this, because this will be an invaluable resource
for the classroom, and there is a foundation that will pay for half of
the cost of the ipod if half of the money is raised by July 22nd. As
a teacher's daughter, I know how much out of pocket expense it can
take to get quality teaching materials in one's classroom. I donated
more than $2.00, but if 90 people donated $2.00, the project, which
will help 450 kids each year, will be fulfilled.

Allison Ulmer


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